Perry Mason: The Case of the Missing Button (1964)
Season 8, Episode 1
Who has the Button?
22 November 2012
As we know Perry Mason never gets involved in divorce cases, that's a rule he's established for himself. But the late grandfather of Claire Wilcox who plays little Button Blake made her his heir and Perry Mason guardian of the fortune she has. Apparently grandfather neither liked his daughter Julie Adams or her now estranged husband Ed Nelson.

They're going through a divorce now and Raymond Burr is part of the action as guardian. Involved in everything is society yachtsman Anthony Eisley who is playing the villain like a stock company Snidely Whiplash. He'd like to marry Adams and get his mitts on the fortune. Eisley also has a couple of other illegal activities on the side as well. No one really mourns when he dies. But it's Nelson who is arrested and who becomes the Mason client.

Not one of the better episodes, especially since they pulled the culprit from way out of left field. As for Button Blake, one hopes that's just a nickname. I have a feeling that she'll grow up to be one screwed up kid.
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