Just stick to the book...
22 November 2012
Initially I had hopes that Part II of the trilogy would be better than the first, since the producers promised a longer running time and larger budget. I am sad to report that Part II is significantly worse than the first.

As with the first movie, this one also suffers from the ambitious attempts to pack the complexity of the novel's plot into a 2 hour movie. It proved impossible. A lot of disjointed action and scenes that don't really connect well. They work well in the book because they are so detailed in their descriptions. In the book, the character become alive. In the movie - not so much. It feels almost as if the director and script writers had never actually read the book and made the movie based on the summary of a 12-year-old. Production is abysmal. It feels like a movie made for TV, only worse. I haven't seen worse special effects since Escape From LA (although that movie makes up for its cheesiness in other areas).

Whether or not you are a fan of Ayn Rand's novel, I don't see how I can recommend this movie. Its only redeeming feature is the fact that made me want to re-read the book in order to forget how awful the movie actually is. Maybe that's what they were shooting for in the first place...
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