Review of Hell Night

Hell Night (1981)
Not scary, not funny, not entertaining
15 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
College kids (ie: killing fodder) locked in a spooky house where they need to stay as part of their initiation into their fraternities/sororities. Nice premise, now where could they have gone with the story? They could have been presented it as a straight ghost/haunted house flick which they didn't. They could have did it as a whole-hog over-the-top slasher gore fest which they didn't. They could have presented it as a parody which they didn't.

What they decided to go with was a TV style, watered down lame excuse for a horror movie. I mean come one, Freddy, Jason and Michael were slashing up the screens in Hollywood during the 1980's and this is the best they could do?

There is no suspense build up, the kills are quick and unsatisfying. We all know the elements of good horror/slasher movies. So let's do a recap of what Hell Night had:

Scary? - No. Gory kill scenes? - No. Creative death scenes? - No. Suspense? - No. Great last scene where the protagonist has to rise from the brink of death to defeat the killer? - No. Gratuitous nudity? No.

Sorry, this movie has none of the usually elements needs for a good horror/slasher film.

The action was slow and plodding, you could tell Linda Blair just was there for a paycheck. If you want to see a good horror flick, keep looking as this isn't the one.
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