24: Day 3: 2:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m. (2004)
Season 3, Episode 14
Will questions be answered?
5 November 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Having arrived back at CTU Nina it questioned by Tony to try to determine what else she knows about Alvers and Jack is questioned by Chappelle about his use of heroin. While neither person wants to be questioned Jack seems the most frustrated; Nina acts as though she is in charge of the situation even when Tony brings in somebody to torture her. Away from CTU; when Alan Milliken's body is discovered it isn't long before the president and his brother learn what really happened despite Sherry and Julia agreeing on a cover story only shortly before. As the episode draws towards its close Nina manages to escape from custody and heads to the server room where she will be confronted by Kim and Jack; both of whom have a reason to want to shoot her.

This was a decent episode although I must admit finding the casual use of torture somewhat disturbing even in a work of fiction... these are meant to be the good guys after all! Despite that I thought Sarah Clarke did a fine job as Nina in these scenes; it was very much her episode. Jack's questioning was interesting too as it demonstrated that he would stick by the truth even though it could harm his career and Chappelle had indicated he'd be willing to a little bit of fabrication to help Jack. Sherry's story continues to be interesting as it looks as if she could be implicated in Milliken's death even though she didn't actually lay a finger on him... it will be interesting to see how things play out with her.
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