Apart from the unusual use of Cinecolor, it's pretty much crap.
3 November 2012
I realize that my summary is VERY judgmental, but most of the cartoons of the 30s were, compared to those of the 40s and 50s, really crappy. Most tended to have lots of singing and dancing as well as cutesy characters. Edgy, they were not! "Dancing on the Moon" is just such a cartoon--full of cutesy characters and jam-packed with LOTS of singing from start to finish. Folks of the 30s might have enjoyed this, but you'd be hard-pressed today to find any kids who would sit still for this boring stuff! And, if you showed it to prisoners, Amnesty International would raise a fuss!

The cartoon begins with a god-awful song ("Dancing on the Moon") and it continues throughout the film. There isn't a lot of plot--just lots of animal couples taking a Buck Rogers-style ship to the moon where they cavort about and smooch. That is, all but a sad cat whose girlfriend is left behind. That's all there is to it--cutesy animals singing and singing and singing. Yuck. The only reason I even gave this one a 3 is because the Cinecolor (another form of Two-Color Technicolor) was innovative and interesting and, as usual, the Fleischer studio did nice quality animation--even if it did make most things look orangy and greenish and the plot was pure torture.
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