The Civil War: The Cause (1861) (1990)
Season 1, Episode 1
Episode 1: The Cause
2 November 2012
The Civil War: The Cause (1990)

**** (out of 4)

The first episode in Ken Burns' documentary takes a look at the events that led up to what would become the bloodiest war in American history. The events of 1861 are covered and include such topics as: Bull Run, the impact of 1793's cotton gin, how in 1860 one out of every seven Americans was owned by someone else, John Brown, Thomas Jackson, the election of Abraham Lincoln and the first battles of the war. History buffs are certainly going to love this episode as it takes its time but fully explains everything that was happening in the country during 1860 and 1861 and it gives you a clear idea of why both sides thought war was the only hope for their sides. The documentary also does a terrific job at showing why both sides also thought that the war would only last a few months with even a few people thinking that no one would have to die. The film uses narration to tell its story as well as actors (Jason Robards, Morgan Freeman) to do parts of various characters. This here has always been a very effective way for Burns to tell the story and connect with the viewer. There are also a great collection of photos from the era including some very haunting ones dealing with the amputations that were rampant throughout the war.
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