Don't Trust the B---- in Apartment 23 Love and Monsters...
31 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
June is excited for Halloween but so is Chloe. James then comes in to see if Chloe got her invite to his Halloween party. His party is not scary and June is surprised. June sees Chloe at the cinema with a new guy which makes her wonder why she is acting different with this new guy. Chloe seems happy with this new guy and June wants to make food for her and the pair. Chloe and her boyfriend talk about how they met each other and Eli/June are happy about this. Benjamin's friend comes over to take him away. Chloe then says she is going to break his heart because he annoys her very much. Chloe then tells June of her yearly Halloween plan and this she year she will break up with Benjamin after having sex with him in his childhood bed. June comes to the party as a lady hobbit to tell June to not break up with Benjamin. She shows a video to why she should not break up with Benjamin. Chloe makes it to Benjamin's room and tells her the plan she does every year. He then tells her he was actually pulling a trick on her. He then tells her the plan is not over and that she will run after him in the airport like in chic flick movies. Benjamin's friend then tells June that Benjamin is falling in love with Chloe. She then runs after Benjamin to the airport and she tells him she likes him which makes him confused. She ends up winning and she gets pulled out of the airport for having a knife in her purse. June goes looking for the fireman she talked to on Halloween and once again meets Benjamin's weird friend.

EPISODE GRADE: B- (MVP: Krystan Ritter)
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