Not sure why everybody is hating on this movie.
28 October 2012
I think it's pretty safe to say that the target market for this movie is over 40 and male (I might throw 'white' in there as well but I'm not sure about that). If you don't fall into this demographic you probably are not going to dig this movie. I don't think this is necessarily a bad thing tho- people make movies for certain audiences all the time.

I don't usually write reviews but I felt like there was too much hate for this movie out there. It tells a story, the acting is good, the movie making is good, there are a few parts that are not completely clear- I'm not sure if that is writing or editing or directing.

Depending on how you look at the movie you might consider it a psych study on a group dynamic amongst males over time. You might see some of yourself in the characters- and you might not. if you don't, the movie might seem awfully self indulgent. If you do, the movie becomes a warning or a dark fantasy or something else. Definitely not boring tho and definitely not a "chick flick".
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