Detective Montalbano: La danza del gabbiano (2011)
Season 8, Episode 2
The Gull's Dance
28 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
When Fazio's father comes into the station asking about his son's whereabouts Montalbano acts unconcerned and says he is involved in a case. He isn't though and Montalbano is starting to get worried. When reports come in of shots fired at the harbour the concerns grow even greater. Then to make matters worse he learns that a witness saw Fazio covered in blood near three disused wells in the mountains. The police head there but they are only expecting to find his body given what the witness said. When they get there they do indeed find two bodies; neither is Fazio though; one has been there for several days and the other appears to have fallen or been thrown into a well while still alive. With this news their hopes rise; perhaps Fazio managed to overpower his attacker and his now hiding in the mountains nearby waiting to be found.

This was another fine instalment of 'Inspector Montalbano'; the case was interesting and seemed more relevant as it involved a major character who we have grown to care about over the course of the series. While this increased the drama it didn't do so at the cost of the humour; I loved the scene where Montalbano kept dropping hints about the lovely fish soup a witness was making, also fun was seeing him tell a Mafioso's wife about her husband's affair with a transvestite. The subplot involving Montalbano's involvement with a nurse was enjoyable even if elements of it were slightly cliché.
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