If it wasn't free I would have asked for my money back
24 October 2012
The worst movie I've seen this year. Stilted, and robotic reading of the script (I wouldn't call it acting). The script was poorly written, with a plot that can straight out of a cliché factory. It was incredibly predictable. After a few minutes we started predicting the upcoming scenes and how long it would take for things to happen... we were 100 percent right. Also, this movie takes place in a world where there are almost no women and the women who do exist are all VERY blond with very big lips.. and they say very little with those puffy lips.

The funny parts were stupid and the emotional "heart wrenching" parts were funny. I saw this movie free, but had it cost a nickel I would have demanded my nickel back.

The only thing that this movie was good for was to snark on it afterward with other viewers of the movie.

If you are a fan of Mystery Science Theater 3000 and want a movie that you can rip on from start to finish then this is the movie for you. If you are interested in seeing a well made movie with a good script then stay very very far away from this piece of garbage.
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