The Wailer 3 (2012)
Not quite a 1.7 ......
22 October 2012
O.K.,we know right from the start,that this is not a blockbuster.One may even go as far as saying,'this is gonna be bad".I did,but sat down and went for it anyway.This timid Horror" movie plays like a made-for -television movie of the week,on Lifetime.Not to say its bad,just to say its not real good.Just O.K.,and that,s all.The actors do a good job,just nothing stellar.Same for the plot,just sorta plain,and over done.Not giving anything away,this is a ghost/ revenge from beyond story,and really rather formula,at that.Nothing shocking,over the top,or even cool.I just yelled out what was going to happen 15 minutes before it did in the movie..Right down to the "boy,i never even imagined it would end like that,and those last 10 seconds ! , who could have thought THAT was gonna happen ". Man,i guess it,s true...i WILL watch anything......!
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