As Bad as I'd Heard!
16 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is one film I had heard nothing whatsoever good about. Tonight I watched it myself and saw why. In a nutshell, Harry Langdon rescues a girl from the snow, takes care of her, gets people to help her deliver the child, takes care of her, the husband (the fact about that gentleman being her husband is not mentioned until close to the end) finds her and takes her home and Harry is left with nothing. Maybe that's how these things work and maybe that's how these things should work, but it left me with a rather hollow feeling. Harry Langdon I'd heard of and Cornelius Keefe I'd heard of, but Gladys McDonnell? Who is SHE? There were plenty of better-known, nice-looking actresses around, but I guess they didn't want to work on this picture. Harry's being left with nothing is not the end. There's some slapstick that occurs, but he's still left with nothing. There is some nitrate deterioration, which completely wipes out a scene. That's just the way that goes, too. This may sound cruel, but...this is one film that I wish had completely deteriorated. The world would not have missed it!
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