Terrible and disappointing
13 October 2012
I was actually looking forward to this film after having read and enjoyed the book, However what I was expecting and what I got were two completely different things. The movie has practically nothing to do with the novel, the stories are very different and not for the better.

The movie constantly jumps many years ahead, leaving important questions unanswered, it's as though the producers knew the movie was terrible and just wanted it over with as soon as possible. As I said this leaves many questions unanswered, you are never given any real reason for the different characters motivations besides some very shallow reasons. You never really care about the characters because the movie does not spend any time developing them. And even the main character mr. Lincoln himself is not given much motivation for going in to the vampire hunting trade, nor for becoming a lawyer, politician or president.

What the novel did so well making all the characters so human and making you feel that all the sacrifices that Abraham makes through his long and lonely life, are worth it in the end. Instead we get a shallow and stupid movie that has nothing to do with the book and trades a great story for ridiculous action and a super hero like Abraham Lincoln.

Take my advise, don't ever waste your time watching this piece of garbage, but pick up the book instead because that one is actually good.

Just a final note, no I would not have liked the movie any more if I had not read the book first, but I probably would have never read the book afterwards, which would have been a shame.
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