Gunsmoke: Murder Warrant (1959)
Season 4, Episode 31
Whose Law is It
10 October 2012
Lee Prentice (Nelson) seems like a nice enough guy. Then plug-ugly Harbin (Mills) shoots him in the back on the excuse that there's an arrest warrant out for Lee, dead or alive. Seems like Harbin prefers taking him in dead. Meanwhile Matt's concerned that Lee is being given no trial so the law is not being strictly observed. So Matt figures out a way to keep Lee out of the hands of the lynch mob jurisdiction.

Interesting premise since there's a conflict between two legal jurisdictions without an apparent legal way to settle the conflict. Of course, the script favors the clean-cut Lee and Matt against the vicious Harbin and the other sheriff. However, I'm not clear on the details of Lee's alleged crime, but the conflicting jurisdictions make for an interesting premise. I'd be interested in how the law actually handles such cases. Still, the thirty minutes manages its share of suspense.
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