Recep Ivedik (2008)
The King Of Comedy
10 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I saw "the IMDb vote" people have given and it is 5.5.Are you kidding?I couldn't believe when i see this vote.I can say this film is king of the comedy ever!Honestly!I have never seen a film like this and ı have watched a lots of comedy films(cult ones too) but any of them wasn't as good as Recep İvedik series.It is not easy to make laugh Turkish people to a film you need high quality jokes to make them happy like political jokes but Recep İvedik Made laugh every humanbeing at Turkey and some other countries.So ı'm saying there isn't a comedy better than Recep İvedik series in the world.Everybody "who wanna laugh" should watch this movie.
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