Season 15, episode 1
10 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching the Amazing Race on Mexico and quickly became a fan of it, but suddenly they stopped airing the show in my country so I'm way behind with the current seasons and I'm just starting the 15th edition. While it is still a likable show, I must say the newer seasons of the best reality show ever are not as good as the first ones, and the beginning of season 15 also starts with some disappointments. The first one was the fast elimination of one of the teams, while 12 couples start the race at Los Angeles, one of them was eliminated on the spot by a surprise first contest that means only 11 teams would start racing around the world. I found this quite unfair and it didn't bring anything to the show, the unlucky couple surely had to go trough a long process to be selected, they arrive to Los Angeles full of hope to race and, before they can even start, that dream is ripped away from them. What did it bring to the show? nothing, you feel bad for them for the way in which they are left out, but ultimately you don't care because you don't know any team yet and thus is impossible to relate to them, if you don't relate to them there is not a real thrill. I think this was a big mistake and I hope they never do it again.

The other thing I didn't like is that the episode felt too rushed, maybe it was because it was a two hours premiere and it was really two episodes one after another, but the need to put all that happened in this time probably means that some things were left in the edition room, and there was little time to really get to know the teams. By the end of the first episode of previous seasons you usually have a team you start to like and root for, but at this point I still don't really know who's who and the one thing I know is that I don't like the poker player girls that received most of the focus. There are varied teams that include a former Miss America, a singer and two Harlem Globtrotters, I don't know if I like this, the first seasons were full of people with no fame at all, you always felt that any of them could be your neighbor or your friend, but if they start adding celebrities I'll find it harder to relate to them. Season 14 was one of the ones I liked the least because I didn't really like any team, and at this point I feel season 15 will be the same. I hope I'm wrong, but it seems that as time passes there are less contestants I like and more I dislike or don't care about. I miss the way this show was on the first eight seasons, and while it is still fun it has lost a little.
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