Freh Mel Gibson Flick You Will Remember!
9 October 2012
OK so i was sceptical about this one, were the reviews to hyped? Was this film really as good as people say? I watched it with a lot of high hopes and i must admit for the first half hour i wasn't sure if it was going to deliver to the high standards i had set it but honestly past the half way mark in it really does get that good! A great movie with a great setting and a really good plot that twists and turns towards the end... the ending in fact was incredibly well done and i was so relieved at how they went about it as it finalised a solid 8 out of 10 for me. Is it something i would watch again?...maybe not BUT it is one i would certainly recommend to anyone i know to go and watch. Mel gives an incredible performance & this films certainly a winner. Bare in mind the first hour was debatable for me - started off REALLY strong with the car chase - you think this is going to be incredible but then it all slows down a little but be assured it definitely picks back up in a big way leaving you pleasantly smiling at the end with a feeling of enjoyment and respect for Mel Gibson. This is deffo his comeback movie for sure.
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