Bribery and corruption
3 October 2012
This episode of Perry Mason took us into the realm of politics, bribery, and corruption and basically saying that's how things get done if someone has a big interest. Raymond Burr's client here is Connie Hines later of the Mister Ed show who tries a real dumb play when the bribe money she was supposed to deliver winds up missing.

It turns out some other woman whose relationship to the various characters in this film I can't reveal or else it would completely spoil the show for a future viewer. But she steals the money and she winds up dead. And Hines figures that she should pose as her own cousin and identify the dead woman as herself. This after retaining Burr to find out about the missing money.

At one point during the hearing which in the Mason shows and I assume in California at the time takes the place of a grand jury here. They decide whether to bind over for trial. Anyway during the course of the examination of one witness, he gets caught in a really clumsy lie about his time of arrival in Los Angeles. I'm surprised that the writer's let that one go.

Highlight of the episode however was the unmasking of the real killer when the ADA Harry Townes put the wife of one of the suspects on the stand. Andrea King basically cleared everyone, but the murderer. After that it was the inevitable confession.

Some holes in this story prevent it from being top drawer Mason. Still the fans of the series will like it.
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