Deer Crossing (2012)
And the award for this year's worst film goes to...
2 October 2012
There have been times in history when people have sacrificed themselves to save their fellow men from evil. If I ever attain sainthood, it will be because I watched this film so that others will not have to.

In a word, this movie is pathetic. If, for some masochistic reason, you still think you should give it a try, then watch the scene that introduces the movie. If you think you want to see more of the same, or even more depraved, nonsense, then feel free to continue. Also, consider checking yourself into a psychiatric hospital, because you need serious help.

This is a C movie that strives, but fails, to be a B movie. The acting is so bad, it's laughable, which is why the film got a 2 instead of a 1. The director, who is not worth naming, must have been vaguely inspired by David Lynch's, Blue Velvet. There are Frank-like moments, actors, dialogues, and scenes that those who know the film will recognize. But this is like comparing Dr. Dre to a neurosurgeon.

Though many in this movie could be nominated for worst actor, my vote goes to the girl who plays the psychiatrist. How low is your budget if this is what you have to settle for? I'd be willing to bet any amount of money that this is the director's girlfriend. If that's the case, then there is justice in this world.
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