Cool retrospective documentary
1 October 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This enjoyable and informative 33 minute retrospective documentary offers a neat and illuminating portrait on the making of the unjustly maligned "Halloween III: Season of the Witch." Writer/director Tommy Lee Wallace discusses how the '56 "Invasion of the Body Snatchers" was a huge influence on the film and notes that Nigel Kneale wrote the original script, but had his named removed after said script was rewritten (Wallace claims that 60% of Kneale's original script was retained in the revised screenplay). Executive producer Irwin Yablans admits that he thought ditching the Michael Myers storyline was a stupid idea. Stacey Nelkin reveals that she was hired on the spot after she read for the role of Ellie Grimbridge and had a no nipple clause in her contract. Tom Atkins talks about how much he loved playing Dr. Challis and points out that he got sick during the making of the picture. Everyone remembers Dan O'Herlithy as a total pro who understood the Celtic mythology of the premise. Moreover, Brad Schacter talks about his unforgettably disturbing death scene. In addition, we also hear about that insidiously catchy Silver Shamrock jingle (the jingle's melody was inspired by "London Bridges"), the movie's initial poor reception by critics and audiences alike when it was first released, and the film's subsequent reappraisal as a bona fide cult favorite. Recommended viewing for fans of the film.
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