Johnny (I) (2010)
Good movie, poor writing
29 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I'm an ordained minister, but this was more like sitting through a church service than watching a movie. I don't mind a good faith based movie, but this one took it way overboard. The movie would have been much better had they cut out about 90% of the religious material. For example, the group home administrator going over bible verses with kids, ain't gonna happen, as it is run/paid for by the state. It's just not realistic.

The movie itself was very heartwarming. The mother's acting was a bit over the top (melodramatic), almost to the point of overacting. There were times she was crying her head off, and the next moment, she was straight faced with no tears, then right back to balling. There are some continuity issues as a result. It's just poor writing/directing.

They picked a great cast otherwise. The kids are both adorable. The actors playing the doctors were good, however there is a line in the surgical room where the anesthesiologist calls for an EpiPen to be used on the boy when his heart goes asystole (medical term meaning "without rhythm"). They would use epinephrine from a vial in a surgical ward, not from an EpiPen, which is what someone with severe allergies would carry about their person for immediate inject should they come into contact with something they are allergic to and have a reaction. Also, the monitor keeps showing flat-line (asystole) with the word apnea beneath it. Apnea means without breathing. Oddly, he wasn't intubated, nor was he on oxygen. I didn't see anyone using a bag valve mask on him (or doing rescue breathing at all) during the CPR. I was an EMT for over 15 years, I can't help but knit-pick.

With all its flaws, I would recommend this movie. It's available on Netflix, and you could do much, much worse. It's very endearing, but you will cry. No matter how you might prepare yourself for knowing someone will die, when they do, and you've become emotionally connected, you will grieve for the loss.
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