I root for polyamory just like I root for gay marriage
29 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, I'd like to thank each and every one of the brave individuals who were on this show. I've never been much into reality TV but this lifestyle fascinates me for some reason. I'm married in a mono marriage but I think all consenting adults should have REAL freedom to choose how to live their private lives without society's judgment.

Anyway, I have watched all seven episodes now but I loved the last one the most. Seeing the triad make the commitment was just breathtaking and beautiful. Congratulations to everyone involved. Your love really shines through every obstacle you have faced - great communication, clear boundaries and excellent problem solving skills too. Something many married mono couples could pay more attention to.

I didn't connect with the others. Seems like things were pretty fragile at best. But life isn't perfect and married life certainly isn't either. That said, what stood out to me and felt disturbing was how Jen almost never seemed to be allowed to be who she is. Episode after episode it looked like something was forced on her and she always ended up being the one to apologize and back down from what she was feeling. She was pushed way too far way too quickly, and not just by her husband. Then the way her hand was forced behind her back was disguised behind words about how she was "growing". I'm sorry you guys but poly or not - you could benefit a lot from reading up on emotional abuse. No one should have to compromise their personality to fit someone else's. Compromise is key to any good relationship yes. Compromising one's personality isn't. Especially not in a four-people household. I know I don't know anything about this lifestyle but in ALL lifestyles, something like that should never be tolerated. I'm not saying she shouldn't have to work on her insecurities - all I'm saying is that she seems like a more vulnerable and sensitive person than the rest of you and she should be allowed to be that way. Maybe she needs you to be more considerate of that, not the other way around.

All in all a really good show and a great addition to the fight for human rights in general. You guys really are brave pioneers who have come out to this extremely conservative world we live in and I salute you for showing it all - weaknesses and strengths of poly relationships. You're ALL an inspiration to me even if I didn't connect completely with all of you.
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