Brainless But Fun
27 September 2012
Lizzies of the Field (1924)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Rival auto repair shops who own spots across the street from one another enter a car race and it's clear from the start that both are willing to do whatever it takes to win. LIZZIES OF THE FIELD is a pretty mindless film as there's really not too much story but did this ever really stop Mack Sennett? For the most part silent film fans are going to enjoy this thing because it's really fast paced and it never slows down for a second so if you really get caught up in what's going on then it's doubtful you'll even realize or miss the story. I thought the cast was extremely good in their parts and you could really feel that both sides hated one another. Billy Bevan, Sidney Smith and Andy Clyde are all familiar faces to those who watch these films so fans of theirs will be happy to see them working together here. One of the best gags actually happens right at the start of the film as we see Bevan speeding down the road somewhere and then we see that he's actually driving a car that's really a bed. The last five or so minutes really didn't strike me as being funny but there's no question that the car chase was extremely well done and contained some very impressive stunts.
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