Hawaii Five-0 (2010–2020)
Deep Six this Five-O
25 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This show is ineptly plotted and written as to defy belief. Consider the just aired Season 4 premiere. It is as awfully written and executed as the "cliff hanger" season 3 ending episode. Introducing James Bond type elements into the episode is so preposterous and utterly useless in generating any tension whatsoever. The writing--you got to hear the exchange between McGarrett and his Mom to understand the writers have no interest in doing anything interesting creatively. McGarrett barely lets his Mom explain her actions interjecting with words that are supposed to evoke sympathy and the hurt he has experienced from being apparently abandoned--This from a navy Seal whose training and experience has supposedly made him aware that people have to make very difficult and painful choices in the service of their country and their families. Jeez this series more than any other on television makes its characters behave in illogical and offensive ways. The dialogue where McGarrett is defending the actions of his team to a justifiably indignant Governor is also illustrative of the fact the team has no idea of social responsibility and accountability. To compound this further the team triggers a gun battle in the middle of a busy intersection trying to hot-dog the situation and which concludes with a vigilante style execution. Finally, the leader of the team i.e. Steve appears flummoxed that an earlier event to which he arrived just late is not what it appears--although we the viewers know. Any clear thinking detective would not have allowed the investigation to run away from him. Sure his mother is involved but that is where training is supposed to take over--but not in this series. Anything for yet another meaningless cliff hanger. By this time I stopped caring. I know this is an analysis of just one episode, but in my view this episode is typical for the show. I am tired of shows that seemingly assume that its audience do not care and that we will willingly accept gunfights and deaths of innocents that occur because the good guys need to catch the bad guys. Calling this a procedural is laughable when no one follows procedure. Compare this series to some on the main networks like Bones or Castle, or Bluebloods, or Person of Interest all shows with strong core structures and well played and written characters, you will understand what I mean. Save your precious time and deep six this one.
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