Battlestar Galactica (2004–2009)
Gave up after watching Episode 7 of Season 1
24 September 2012
While not a rabid fan of the original "Battlestar Galactica" I nonetheless enjoyed the original series. It had some good stories and the f/x were great; and of course Lorne Greene is always an actor you want to watch. If it would have been allowed to get beyond only 1 season I think the original BSG would have been a successful sci-fi series.

Not having cable at my house, having largely given up watching broadcast TV some years ago, I missed the premier of this "new" series. Finally, after so many of my friends said I just HAD to see the new series, I started renting it on Netflix.

Sure enough: just as I expected they took what was a light-hearted, enjoyable, and rather daring TV show and really "updated/ruined" it for the 21st century.

Ponderous, slow, pretentious, and downright boring.

In the original series, Apollo and Cmdr. Adama have a great father-son relationship. The officers on the ship all respect and work with each other. This was one of the best and most attractive aspects of the original show. Human beings are depicted as trusting and courageous in the face of the terrible catastrophe inflicted by the Cylons.

Of course the way Hollywood "re-imagines" things now, all that is gone. The first order of business is to make it "dark". So now we get Apollo and Adama having issues, Starbuck and Col Tigh have issues, Boomer and Apollo have issues, etc. etc.

Make Starbuck a woman, and a barely disguised lesbian.

Edward James Olmos is a good enough actor, but in this show he mumbles so much as to be incomprehensible. I actually turned on the CC so that I could know what he was saying.

And they lay on the "shaky cam" and ultra-closeups with a trowel. By the time of the third episode, you get intimately familiar with every hair follicle and facial pore on the actors faces.

Oh yeah they make the Cylons human. Not really much explanation for this, as the reason is as muddy as so many other things in the story. I suppose it was done to cut down on f/x costs.

Baltar is supposed to be one of the smartest of the colonists. But why is the guy depicted as a sex-obsessed idiot?

The point I actually gave up on the series? When Starbuck launches and flies a crashed Cylon ship. Turns out the Cylon ships are actually "organic" (if the Cylons are machine creatures and denigrate anything organic as inefficient, then why do they make their ships organic?). At the point where Starbuck uses a piece of shirt to plug a hole in the Cylon hull, and begins manipulating various ganglia in the "organic" ship to make it fly---that's where I exited and instead popped in my new DVD copy of the "old" (and much better) BSG.
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