Better with age
21 September 2012
It amazes me that I remember this series from my childhood. I was in kindergarten when I first saw this series and was haunted by the animations every night. I remember being terrified by the thought of a giant butterfly chasing me down and pinning me. The animations in this series are what made animation it is today. No one ever went against the Disney inspired grain of animation, until this series aired. The shorts all seem to escape me accept for two very vivid ones.

1.) The butterfly collector one gave me nightmares forever. It was beautiful in its animation and I just remember a butterfly collector chasing down butterflies and pinning them to his collection.

2.) This one is still a little sketchy to my memory, it was animated in a similar style as the butterfly one although, it featured a little girl at a table talking to an older gentleman. She would continually talk to the older man and he would continually get more aggravated with the little girl. I can't remember much more about it but it stuck in my mind like glue.

3.) The Hunger about killed me. The thought of it now gives me chills. It had the same theme as the butterfly one. With the main character ending up getting what he was giving.

PBS should really consider giving the kids (and adults) a chance at this series once again. This shows everyone that animation was something to enjoy, without the computer generated characters, the 3d effects and all of the other current effects that people throw together just to make what they think is entertainment for kids.
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