Review of Exhibit A

Exhibit A (2007)
21 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Probably the most underrated film I've stumbled across on IMDb. I can only assume the mediocre rating is a knee-jerk response to the fact that it's 'found footage'.. (or maybe people went into it expecting more of a horror movie?) Far from gimmickry, the medium lends quite a bit of weight to the story. Not a single unconvincing performance in the bunch, the dad in particular was brilliant.

Not sure what the other reviewer meant about the second half... the scenario didn't fall out of the writers ass, this kind of thing happens all the time... and like I said, the performances were more than convincing.

5 years and only 8 user reviews and 277 ratings? 5.5? really?? I shouldn't have to find out about movies like this by accident.

edit: I have to reiterate... there's nothing even remotely unbelievable about the fathers descent into madness. Anyone whose ever witnessed a someone crumble and lose their sh*t, especially a family member... this will be difficult to watch. My heart was thumping like mad during the last 15-20 minutes or so of this movie. I was genuinely affected.
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