The joy of Eddie Cantor
20 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This is a rather enjoyable comedy with a few good songs to boot. And, it's interesting to see the final Eddie Cantor film (other than some cameos) before he moved on to television and a succession of heart attacks. It's good to see Eddie later in his life (he was 56 here) when some of the sometimes slightly manic behavior had disappeared. That's not to say he's not effervescent here...he is...and that's what makes him such a joy. In fact, that's what I've always found appealing about Cantor -- his energy and the joy that's there...particularly when he's doing a musical number.

And that brings me to my one concern about this film -- it opens with a black-face number. Now this is interesting. Why was it done in black-face? There's nothing actually demeaning about the number...no slow-acting or lazy-speech stereotypes here. No, no point to it...nothing would have been different sans the black-face. So -- why the black-face? It still mystifies me! Aside from that, it's a rather fun movie...in some places reminiscent of some parts of some Red Skelton pictures. Cantor plays the husband in a former vaudeville team that settles down, only to find his ancestor may have been a hero in the Revolutionary War...or not. Has the money owed his ancestor by the government morphed into millions of dollars...or not? And of course, there are some gangsters who get involved. It all works pretty well, and there are some dandy jokes here.

Joan Davis plays his wife. Davis is an interesting comedienne...flirted with the big time, but never quite made it. She has a talent for slapstick and one-liners, and seems pleasant enough on the screen...but perhaps she mugs too much. She's reasonable in this part, though she comes close a few times to overdoing it.

Allyn Joslyn is here as a scheming newspaperman. He's a wonderful character actor who specializes in comedy, and he does it well here. Always a pleasure to see him in a supporting role. Sheldon Leonard is here to play his frequent gangster role, and he is good at it...not too menacing, though...just about right for light comedy.

I was a little disappointed in the way the film concluded...all rather suddenly...almost as if they had run out of time. But, all in all, it's worth watching this film for several reasons, including the opportunity to catch one of American's greatest early stars.
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