Parallel Sons (1995)
Beautiful story
19 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I really didn't know what I was going to see - and I never read IMDb reviews before watching - but this movie really did something to me.

I think I could end up in the same situation as Seth did (well... 35 years ago...). Yes, I do think so.

Forget about the "black music/culture/people fascination" of Seth, this is just a love story, as it could happen everywhere.

The 2 main characters did a very, very good job, very intense. I also liked the little sister...

The story is very believable, the circumstances also.

This is just a beautiful story, in which the 2 protagonists happen to be gay, and in which one happens to be black, the other white...

A very entertaining movie, well worth your time.
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