To Boldly Flee (2012 Video)
This is the best anniversary movie that these guys have ever made
18 September 2012
Let start from the beginning:

Kickassia: Entertaining, yeah, but it was boring in some parts, but it still being good in terms of an Internet movie. If you don't have to do anything in the day, I recommend to you to watch this film. 7/10

Suburban Knights: This film showed us that this guys can make something better, and this was really really better. This is a good combination of drama, comedy, action, and sci-fi. But, sometimes, it still a little bit boring, but less than Kickassia. 8/10

To Boldly Flee: My god, this movie prove us that this guys can make a film at the same level as Hollywood does. The plot was outstanding, the CGI effects were great, all was a gigantic ball of remarkableness. Lets talk about the acting: well, this was not maybe the better of the film, but Doug Walker does a brilliant job, maybe the better on his career. The directing is very well done, giving us a very good drama and comedy. At the end of the film I almost cry, CRY, and that prove us that this is a piece of art that you will never forget. 10/10

I'm Ignacio Salgado and I remember it so you don't have to.
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