Kenny Saylors achieves what he sets out to do in this movie, in my opinion, which is to show people that they can do what they thought impossible.
18 September 2012
Kenny Saylors achieves what he sets out to do in this movie, in my opinion, which is to show people that they can do what they thought impossible. I am a food-addict myself (though I have never been overweight due to health issues), and I know how reliant one becomes on food, when it is their crutch. They think that food is their only reliable friend...Kenny busts that myth apart.

The movie itself is packed with annoying clichés, but it's still done well and Kenny Saylors and his team should be applauded for their efforts, and for showing people that a lot of what health- professionals are taught and teach in the western world is bogus fabrication and based on keeping the lucrative fast food and medical industries thriving.

As someone who has embarked on water-fasts, myself (for health reasons, not weight reasons) I can say that it is truly an extremely difficult thing to do, particularly if like me and Kenny Saylors you use food as a means of comfort and stress-relief.
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