The Big Valley: By Fires Unseen (1966)
Season 1, Episode 17
An episode you knew the outcome at the beginning of the show
13 September 2012
This episode begins as Nick, which has been in San Francisco for only five days, comes walking in the house introducing everyone to his new fiancée Hester. Everyone seems happy other than Victoria. She seems to sense something about Hester that is not quite correct.

Hester is a society gal that loves being cared for by many suitors. When she agrees to stay with the Barkley's for a few days she gets introduced to living outside the lights and activities of San Francisco. And when Hester seems to be favoring Heath over Nick, things get a bit edgy.

During the night Hester is seen by Heath crying. When Heath tries to console Hester, it is seen by Nick. Nick starts a fight that ends when he is knocked off a hill and lands on a large rock. Nick's back could be broken.

Nick needs a doctor and it will take an all out effort to get him back to the ranch. And during this ordeal we will learn if Hester decides to stay with Nick or move on with her life.

There just did not seem to be any chemistry going on in the episode. Things seem to go by slow with best part of the entire episode is the last two minutes.
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