Chok-Dee (2005)
Lot of potential not exploited
10 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly when a kick boxing/Muay Thai movie get a score above 5 on IMDb, it means its pretty good. Don't get me wrong, i loved a lot of movies that got 3 or under, but because I'm a cinemaddict of martial arts movies and i see them as what they are, entertainment. And you have to add that for me a 5 is pretty much for a movie i was bored off, i usually always found qualities about movies except a few ones where i tough they where beyond redeemable.

But lets focus on Chok Dee...Lets begin by saying i found interesting the way they speak. I am from Quebec so french was not a problem even tough its french from France. Then when french dialogue with Thais, the movie goes into English with french subtitles, and again English is not a problem for me. Thai to Thai is in Thai with subtitles again and i loved the realistic part of this, i was never annoy by the "languages barriers".

The movie start pretty good with the prisons scenes and the whole training into the Thai camp. But if the training sessions are perfect, i found too that the fights seem too much quick and realistic... They tried to mimic a real fight and they succeed on that, but it lost that appeal of "he is in the battle of his life". They builded up that big stadium of the end and the champ to finally be relay on second zone with a quick knock out while something more important in the story happen... then BAM its over... I dunno, i felt let down on the fights... I guess real life feels of fights don't work in movies and thats why i love so much martial art movies but never was that big of a fan of UFC for example... I guess i love the rocky feel where the hero is beaten up to almost k.o and then come back bleeding like hell and win the match...

Anyway not a bad movie, a+ effort on the story they made, but the fights didn't do it as much for me.
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