Unlike Anything Else You're Going to See
8 September 2012
The Beau Brummels (1928)

*** 1/2 (out of 4)

When sound came into play nearly everyone working on the stage was thrown in front of the camera in hopes that they could at least do something. I've probably seen at least a hundred of these early talkies and this one here has to be one of the best and strangest. Al Shaw and Sam Lee perform a song, then a comedy routine and then a song and dance number. Now, if you're looking for a voice like Sinatra and dancing like Kelly then you're going to be disappointed. What makes this film so special isn't the "greatness" of the duo in a normal sense. What makes this film worth watching is how utterly bizarre it is from start to finish. Both men come out on the stage and what really caught my attention was their eyes because I wasn't sure if they really looked like that or if they were just pretended to be tired. As strange as their eyes are you could make a strong argument that this here was the first zombie movie ever made! The comedy routine featured some really bizarre jokes and the dead-faced pair really make them funny. Fans of the bizarre will certainly want to add this to their must-see list as you're not going to find anything else like it.
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