Oh, no...an evil twin!!! I didn't see that coming....ha!
8 September 2012
A county has a typical baddie. In this case, homes are being sold out from under folks and the Sheriff is impotent to help. So, when Roy and Gabby come to town, it's their job to right the wrongs and make all the good people happy.

This is a decent Roy Rogers film but like many you do have to turn off your brain in order to really enjoy it. Part of it is that weird sort of B-western mixture of the old and new---with folks riding horses AND cars! I can't blame Rogers entirely--Gene Autry films also were filled with odd anachronisms--such as folks calling the sheriff on the phone or chasing down horses with their pickup truck! Another part, and this is clearly the worst, is the use of the WAY over-used cliché of the 'identical stranger'. Now if Roy had a twin brother, that might have worked--but here we are expected that an evil killer looks exactly like good 'ol Roy! This is patently ridiculous, that's for sure. Dumb but enjoyable...and not too many songs!
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