Awful rubbishy attempt at psychodrama
7 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This was hyped up as gripping - NO IT WAS RUBBISH! The plot was thin, the characters uninteresting and straight out of the East Enders over-emotional teleland, the writing way way over the top, the direction just plagiarised 'The Killing,' and the sheer boredom of it all sent you to bed screaming at today's audiences and so-called TV critics that are prepared to put up with such awful cr**. There might not have been a golden age of TV forty years ago, but this rubbish would not be able to stand comparison with 'Billy Cotton's Bandshow'! Lazy, repetitive, shallow, police episodes absolute crud, I cannot go on. But I will poke a last dig - How many times in Episode 1 did the script include the line 'Are you alright?' - ten, fifty, a hundred?
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