This is not exclusively a Gay Flick- This is a story about lives,.. A bit of a heart breaker,.. But worth a viewing
5 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Okay,.. Not every film featuring a Gay person needs to have a Gay sex scene. Now that that's out of the way,....

This is a great movie. It is not an entertaining stereotypical flick. This film is not just about a Gay couple.

This addresses a country and it's people. It addresses people and relationships - all types.

There are moments where everyone will relate,.. And some where you won't. It doesn't jerk at your heart,... It doesn't leave you all warm and fuzzy,... But it is a great story.

For those that demand it follow some pitiful story line or match up to so something that it isn't ,... Shame on you. You take a movie and review it,..

I liked it,.. And would encourage others to see it. It might just open a new train of thought in your noggin,...and who knows,..broaden your mind.
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