Boxer promoter is killed and the trainer is the suspect.
4 September 2012
In an episode that had the makings of an excellent show, it seemed to get off track when talking about a hotel fire years ago in New York City. It already had a nice storyline and an interesting mystery but that distraction seemed to slow the show down to a pace unworthy of the plot.

The show began as we see an young boxer Davey Carroll and his trainer Jimmy West (Robert Armstrong) inside a boxing gym. Jimmy West believes that Davey will be the next famous boxer if only he can get a promoter to get his boxer in some big money fights.

When a seedy promoter named Tod Richards signs the fighter, Jimmy West is appalled. But his attitude changes when Richards gives Jimmy 50% interest in Davey Carroll.

When the relationship of Richards and West sours, they get into a small shouting match and fight. That evening Tod Richards is found dead- shot with a gun owned by West. And Jimmy West goes to Perry to defend him in court on charges of murder.

With many suspects that may have a motive to see Mr Richards dead, it will not be until a host of witnesses are crossed-examined by Perry before the pieces are put together. And with little if any evidence, a person does one of those 'it-was-me' confessions from the courtroom gallery bring an end to the trial.

The viewer was bombarded with a lot of information during the course of the show. From a dead man to a hotel fire and then an up-and-coming boxer, this was a plate full. Even with the distractions and the highly suspect confession, the show is worthy of a watch. Because of good casting by the production staff, the show is saved and Perry is satisfied with the results. The viewer will also be satisfied.
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