Struck a real chord, but skeptics need not apply
28 August 2012
Humboldt County utterly surprised me. The depth of emotion is palpable. The story authentic. I had the privilege of living in Humboldt County and practiced in a small rural medical clinic for several years. I came to the tiny community on a wing and prayer and in watching the protagonist struggle to find relevance I saw true shades of authenticity. i found myself reminded so often of the daily surprises that greeted me not only in medical practice but in the journey to speak a new language. Peter's experiences rang true, and how can I say that do you ask? Because I lived it. And I don't mean smoking marijuana, I never tried it but like Peter was embraced and accepted nevertheless. As the characters were introduced I kept saying to myself, 'I've known you'. As for the reviewer giving a single star: it as if you never did 'live' in the community that you claim to have grown up in. You should not disparage what you do not understand. ... Anyway, the film makers got it right and if you've every wondered if a film was true to life in its portrayal look no further than Humboldt County.
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