the first step in the completely wrong direction.
26 August 2012
This movie is directed by Joel Schumacher. The first of two that have been changed completely from Tim Burton vision of Gotham city. Unfortunately Joel Schumacher changed this series for the worse instead of for the better. I applaud him for trying to make this movie different than the previous two batman films and I actually have no problem with him trying to make this movie for kids but sometimes too much is just too much. Val Kilmer is not very convincing in the role of Bruce Wayne/Batman and Nicole Kidman is wasted in this movie and is merely a very pretty face. Robin was actually better handled than he could have been. Robin is not what ruined this movie. The neon lights are not what ruined this movie either. Heck even the bat nipples on the costume didn't even ruin this movie. the overall generic plot that had the potential to be interesting is what ruined this movie. instead of exploring the villains they devour the screen with their over the top silliness. Jim Carry plays the riddler like every other film he has ever been in like the mask. Jim Carry is cool but his over the top performance becomes tedious and annoying. I hated Tommy lee Jones as Two-face in this movie. More like the Joker than Harvey dent. All he does is laugh the entire time he is on screen. what a waste of a good actor. I would rather watch Tim Burton's batman over this movie any day but this movie is heaven on earth compared to the monstrosity that followed it.
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