One for Lafe McKee Fans!
24 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
"Blazing Arrows" (1922) is mainly of curiosity value for die-hard western fans like myself who are anxious to see every western ever made, no matter how corny, imitative, or lacking in production values it may be. "Blazing Arrows" certainly falls into all three of these categories, to which you can add rotten acting. Even ever-reliable Lafe McKee lets us down with a nothing performance, but he's a darn sight more professional than the rest of the players who hog the camera and seem to imagine they're playing in a third-rate music hall or a minor Hal Roach farce rather than a movie that takes its boisterous shenanigans seriously. As for the title, I remember seeing an arrow or two, but I don't recall that any of them were "blazing". But that's just one more disappointment in what turned out to be a very disappointing movie with virtually nothing to offer but its curiosity appeal.
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