Review of Cold Fire

Star Trek: Voyager: Cold Fire (1995)
Season 2, Episode 10
What drivel
24 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Voyager is in search of the female Caretaker and discovers that she is on a space station that is full of Ocampa. One of my heretofore favorite characters, Kes, is being tutored by Tuvok on how to further develop her telepathic powers. The space station's head Ocampa, Tanis, comes aboard the Voyager and teaches Kes how to further and greatly increase her "powers of the mind." The kicker is that the female Caretaker blames the Voyager for the death of her mate and wants to destroy the Voyager but doesn't because Janeway shows her mercy. Right. At the end Kes tells Tuvok how much she hated liking the destruction she did with her new found powers, e.g., she killed all her plants. Tuvok tells her that there is no light without darkness. Oh wow, that's deep. And pretentious horse hockey. The whole episode makes no sense which would be okay if it were at least engaging and/or a bit humorous. Not this one. Nada. With this episode I'm getting an inkling as to why I stopped watching this series (in the fourth year or so) - it loved the dark and hated the light. And started taking itself way too seriously.
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