Foul Gesture (2006)
Everyman Fall into the Deepend
21 August 2012
This is a story about a man, out of work, his marriage is falling apart, overbearing mother, father decently died. In general he is down and in a rut.

After an incident on the street where his car is damaged after his wife is rude to the wrong person, he does nothing and is made to feel like less than a man. He goes to the police for assistance and, getting none, he instead finds that the person is a powerful and connected man, untouchable. It then becomes a crusade for this man to get satisfaction.

I liked this film of an underdog everyman who has decided not to bow to the entitled. Watching him getting pulled deeper and deeper into dangerous waters until there is no turning back. He is pushed, and in some way allows himself to be pushed, to ever more drastic measures as he butts heads with dangerous people. This is the hill he is ready to die on.

Well made movie and fine performances. I recommend.
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