Review of Northless

Northless (2009)
Mexican Cinematic Brilliance
21 August 2012
My first IMDb review! I saw this film at the MexFest in London and was very impressed not only with the acting/directing but the cinematography as well. Not too many directors can project a minimalist story and make it enjoyable. This film showed one man's plight with reaching the US while struggling to leave a family he has befriended on the border near Tijuana. The Oaxacan protagonist was extremely talented at creating sympathy in a non pretentious manner. The mother and daughter each exhibit opposite characteristics and show growth as they discover new things about their new helper and visitor. This was a touching film. Being sent back and forth by La Migra and to be embraced by a new found family is something endearing of Mexican nature. Forgiveness, loneliness and yearning were emotions that were paramount to this film. And let's not forgot RAMON AYALA's kick ass El DISGUSTO! This movie was a 10 out of 10 for me. Very similar to El Norte only this one provided hope in the end.
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