Abraham Lincoln Review
14 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
What a year of incredibly bad films what's going on here? Come on not you too Stevie losing your touch? A former statesman used to be a blood sucker hunter really? I mean really? Lincoln is about giving a baseless story a fictitious base to stand on good, not so good because it doesn't work it's a lie nobody shall ever buy into. Please don't ever try this again. It got to the point where Lincoln was frustrated with himself stuck between president and hero who shall save me he wondered? Presidents have never played heros because in reality they're all so bad.

Lesson to Hollywood heayweights next time somebody walks in to pitch a script ask if they think it makes any damn sense to them or to the drunk man on the street. If the answer is a resounding yes, go ahead and fund them because that man knows for sure he won't be watching that crap.
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