11 August 2012
Four of the seven band members just sit around looking bored, and that's exactly what my wife and I did too. For the first half of the movie. I don't know how the rest is because we fell asleep somewhere in the middle. The rules for reviewing a film state that the review must be at least ten lines long and I don't have anything more to say about it, so the rest is filler: dull, monotonous, uneventful, uninteresting, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating, jejune, flat, banal, lackluster, vapid, wearisome, tiring, tiresome, tedious, ho-hum, dullsville, dull as dishwater, soporific, sedative, somnolent, tranquilizing, narcotic, sleep-inducing, somniferous--is how I would characterize the film.
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