Bland, Boring and Bad
10 August 2012
The 9/11 Commission Report (2006)

* (out of 4)

The Asylum, the studio best known for really bad and really cheap "mockbusters" decided to deliver something straight in this docudrama based on the commission report that was released on the September 11, 2001 attacks. Leigh Scott wrote and directed this picture and I think the majority of the blame has to go to the screenplay. I'm really not sure what type of story they were trying to get across but it's an incredible mess that never makes too much sense. Trying to get all of the pre-9/11 stuff into a low-budget, 84-minute movie was probably a bad idea to begin with but it certainly doesn't help that the execution is so poor. The story is pretty much impossible to follow but even worse is the really bad dialogue. As bad as the dialogue is, it doesn't help that the performances range from bland to bad. I mean, the story is bad, the dialogue is bad and the performances are bad so with all of this considered it's really easy to see why the film tanked. Whenever you're trying to deliver a political thriller, having all of those elements not work is just leading to a disaster. I can't say how many times we were supposed to be caught up in this tense political thriller yet the dialogue they were saying seemed to have been written by a ten-year-old and the performances saying it appeared to be from a high school play. There's just no way around the fact that this film really shouldn't have been made or at least not in the fashion that it was. The "Jason Bourne" style of filmmaking with the camera just sliding around everywhere also doesn't work here. I'm sure it was meant to draw us into the action but it fails. In the end, this film is just bad all around and if you're going to watch something bad from The Asylum then it's best to get something that's also campy.
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