Upon further review...
8 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I originally gave this series an 8/10. But I was kind of on a Star Wars high at the time, and couldn't give the show a fair judgement.

I'm just going to make this review have a point, as opposed to my previous geek-freakout.


The show's animation is pretty good, it's very fluid and conveys motion really well. I've been told that this show started the current fad with CGI animated cartoons, evident in such shows as Iron Man: Armored Adventures and Green Lantern: TAS, well, now we know why.

There's some pretty good action scenes, and as the show progresses it grows periodically better. I think the point where the show starts to actually get good is season 3, in which there's the Mortis trilogy and the set-up for Darth Maul's return, both of which I thought were a lot of fun.

The show has a lot of good ideas, and some of them make for great episodes, like the aforementioned Mortis Trilogy and also an arc where Obi-Wan goes undercover as a bounty hunter after faking his own death, both of those arcs provided some pretty solid entertainment.


The show maintains a sort of constant cycle of ups and downs, right after a really solid episode, you'll get a really bad one. This problem diminishes as the show progresses, however.

The show reportedly goes out of its way to screw with continuity. I've been told by a reviewer I follow that the show's canon completely contradicts earlier stories set in the clone wars, and while I personally don't take much issue with that, as I've never had any exposure to this content, I can see the problem this poses.

This problem is emphasized by the fact that the show can't keep its own continuity straight either. There are instances where episodes are aired almost in backwards order, this makes for some very awkward plot hiccups, like one in which a senator who was assassinated still shows up a couple times after that.

Also, the show makes little effort to actually introduce the characters. All of the mainstays, Grievous, Kenobi, Anakin, Ventress, are all there right from the start, and none of them are properly introduced in any way. The show is apparently just relying on brand recognition in that respect.

Ultimately, however, because the later seasons are so strong, I'd recommend the show from season 3 onward for Star Wars fans.
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