Eat My Dust (1976)
Fun Chase Picture From Corman and Company
4 August 2012
Eat My Dust (1976)

** 1/2 (out of 4)

Hoover (Ron Howard) loves hot rods and when he finds out that the girl of his dreams (Christopher Norris) likes them as well, he steals a professional racing car and the two head off with just about every cop in town chasing them. EAT MY DUST, as the title would suggest, is a chase picture from the drive-in days and as long as you don't take it too serious you should find yourself having a pretty good time. I think a lot of credit has to go to director Charles B. Griffith who keeps the action moving from start to finish and there's really not any dry spots. We get all sorts of wild chases and the director manages to make several of them quite memorable. This includes one scene where a cop car crashes and takes out the front of a store but the memorable thing is that the entire front falls down and we can see what the people inside are doing. Another good sequence deals with a bunch of shopping carts getting hit and this leads to all sorts of trouble for people in the same area as them. Even better are the car's point-of-view shots. These here certainly aren't ground-breaking but they're so interesting and they put you right in the middle of the action. Another major plus is that Howard and Norris are just so charming together that they keep you into the story even when there aren't any crashes going on. The supporting cast is charming as well and that includes Clint Howard playing yet another weirdo. EAT MY DUST isn't a classic by any stretch of the imagination but fans of chase pictures should be entertained.
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