Winter Lily (2000)
THe Only Reason I Sat Through This Was Because of Slasherpool's Review...
3 August 2012
Well, this sure was an odd one; like another reviewer said it had a LOT of potential and I do not know who the director was, but it was like rather than getting a good hold on you, the director just kind of let's you run through his fingers like sand (OOH, how's that for a metaphor : ) Anyway... I give a LOT of weight to Slasherpool's reviews (Anrthro Fred) Sadly, he discontinued his site a couple of years ago. I've scrounged around and found their old site which only goes up to about 2002 (where I saw a review of this film and why I rented it and watched it) And on Rotten Tomatoes Slasherpool's page is still there but all the review pages are gone; all there is, is a single, tantalizing sentence that goes with each film.

So, I got exactly 38 minutes through this thing and it was moving SO damn slowly and NOT very much was happening; so I turned it off. Then I went back and read his review again and he REALLY liked it and compared it to 'THE SHINING' Well, I don't know quite exactly WHAT it was he was smoking right at that moment, but I sure would love some! And the sad thing is is that there is a REALLY good premise that COULD have been super duper creepy if the damn director had any clue at all. I mean this film had the potential to be a true CULT film if it had been done properly, but alas, no... And, if you have read my comments and reviews before, you KNOW that it is not that I don't like really slow or subtle films, so save the 'Oh, why don't you go and watch 'TRANSFORMERS' comment, okay... No, I frigg'n LOVE slow building and even very simple films; an excellent example of a director who actually DOES know how to do that quite well in a bloody awesome Old School kind of way is Ti West from Glass Eye Pix. Now HIS films are super slow, intense suspense builders; and the premises are usually pretty simple. But unfortunately this one misses the mark in just about every way. I'm not saying it is HORRIBLE or anything, it just falls WAY short in all departments where it really, REALLY could have been awesome... I mean, even if the atmosphere and mood could have been WAY, WAY tighter and stronger and everything else remained the same, even THAT may have carried it. But just gazing out at the barren, snowy landscape without much else is NOT exactly my idea of building suspense or creating even CLOSE to a creepy enough mood to fit this story. A REAL missed opportunity...

Even though I felt that it was a VERY weak film, I gave it a 5 because it's not that it had that many negative elements that brought it down; it's just that it simply did not actually HAVE enough strength or substance to carry the potentially excellent premise and elements that were there to work with.

If you really do not like slow films at all, absolutely skip this one...
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